@thelaurengraham Hi Lauren, I just finished watching the whole 7 seasons of #GilmoreGirls and I cried a lot. When the revival came out, my cousin recommended me to watch the serie and I ignored her, I started watching it this quarantine and all I have to say is that I will+
@thelaurengraham treasure this serie forever. #GilmoreGirls has a special place in my heart, this serie came at the perfect time. I don’t know why but I personally identify so much with Rory and Lorelai, both characters have qualities and flaws I also have, so I always felt+
@thelaurengraham close to them. I have so much to say but Twitter won’t let me write everything I want and I don’t want to make this thread a bible, so all I have to say is THANK YOU for giving life to a beautiful character and I am 100% sure that #GilmoreGirls is a lifestyle♥️
@thelaurengraham ouh and I still have to watch the revival so I will probably write you back in like for days or next weekend...if I don’t have time this week to watch it😂
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