#LarryIsReal #LarryStylinson #zarryisreal #zarry #larry #OneDirectionReunion #OneDirection I have come to the conclusion that I am feeding into the media’s perception of Harry as being a “sex symbol” and having “many relationships” by analyzing his relationships with his best +
Friends. After looking more into his relationships with the other members of 1D, other than Louis, I have realized that there are “proofs” for everything and we literally KNOW NOTHING AND WE ARE ALL CLOWNS 🤡 I even looked into his relationships with his best friends outside +
Of one direction and I have concluded that Harry looks at everyone he loves like he’s “in love” with them. He just has those eyes. Like, literally, his thing is to love everyone so like ??? I am not saying that none of the ships are “fake” but I do think that we’re all hating +
On each other and the guys FOR LITERALY NO REASON CAUSE NONE OF US HAVE ANY SOLID PROOF THAT ANY OF THIS IS REAL! The majority of the profs that I’ve seen can be reasoned with multiple different outlooks at the ones “we can’t explain” are literaly because WE DONT KNOW THEM AS +
WELL AS WE THINK WE DO?!?! Like, it’s been proven that they were forced to be seen with people in public, had tweets made for them, had their image created and destroyed with those 5 years and we are still getting “proof” that they might not even be out of their contract +
Like, if either Larry or Zarry we’re actually 100% real than why is Zouis such a strong relationship?? If both Larry and Zarry were real than why did they continued I have a relationship with each other even though they both wanted Harry’s attention? Idk man. I think we’re +
Playing into the image that was branded on Harry from the age of 16 but instead of with women, it’s with his band mates which could lowkey be worse. I am honestly so tired of this entire thing. Like, I just want to love Louis and Niall and their music but now I’m so deep into +
Harry’s relationships with his band mates and idk how to get out. Someone help me 🥺😭
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