A year ago today I took a pregnancy test before heading out to visit my friend karley. I knew I was going to drink and was a day late and though hmmm maybe I should just buy a cheap test JUUUUUSSSTTT in case.... the box says takes up to 3 min and that thing lit up in seconds..
I literally didn’t believe it because it said “pregnant” so fast. I stopped at the church before heading to karleys house and thanked God for this opportunity. All I’ve ever wanted to be in this life was a mother.
I went to karleys and took another test. Shower karley the test and she started to freak out more than me😂😂 I don’t know why I was so calm. It just get right. Like yeah this is my next step. I was ready for the journey I was about to take.
I couldn’t sleep that night, partly because I was in denial. Not because I didn’t want to be pregnant but because I couldn’t believe that God chose me to be somebody’s mother. To be somebody’s teacher, healer, friend and supporter. Ever since that day I’ve felt so so grateful.
As I hold my daughter in my arms today I still feel so blessed. Blessed to have created life with a soul my soul loved. Blessed that I get to see her grow and learn every single day.
Mila has made me grow. She has done more for me than I could ever do for her. I will however try to be the best mom she deserves because of that.
Thank you again to everybody who has wished me a happy Mother’s Day. I appreciate the village that is helping me raise my beautiful and strong baby girl. 🤍🤍🤍
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