That behaviour is cringeworthy, but let's look at why the pattern exists. It must certainly be a compounded issue arising due to:
1. Continuously subdued scientific temper of the vedic/indic studies
2. Shift in the definition of "mainstream" & a perennial catch up with that
Let's break the 2 parts:
Veda is knowledge, science, preachings etc clubbed into one. It was never "compartmentalised".
योगो ज्ञानं तथा सांख्यां विद्या शिल्पादिकर्म च
वेदाः शास्त्राणि विज्ञानं एतत्सर्वं जनार्दनात्।
All throughout Vedas, Vedantas, Purana we see advanced (relative) scientific thoughts embedded, either directly stated:
नाशयत्येष वै भूतं तदेव सृजति प्रभुः। 
पायत्येष तपत्येष वर्षत्येष गभस्तिभिः॥
(Valmiki Ramayan explaining water cycle)
Or as an inferential thought pointing towards an advanced science that existed:
उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत प्राप्य वरान्निबोधत,
क्षुरासन्न धारा निशिता दुरत्यद्दुर्गम पथ: तत्कवयो वदन्ति॥
(Kathopanishad speaking of razor blades!)
The question we need to ask ourselves is if all this science was known/ existed, then where are the texts that outlined the exact procedure... Naturally people try to seek clues in normal stories due to non availability of those texts...
Next issue is with the new base reference or the main stream science... A cursory comparisons between modern science & vedic hints that modern science has a lot to evolve... A small clue is how well advanced science was embedded in our daily lifestyle...
The daily pranayama, yoga, cooking, bathing, astronomy etc... The more we delve into any aspect of our lifestyle, we see scientific sanction in everything... पञ्चेन्द्रिय (5 senses), सप्तधातु (7 tissue type), लघु-गुरु (binary system) have been in usage for ages...
While modern science speaks of only 2 types of action (voluntary & involuntary) we had thought of पञ्चप्राण... One of our seasons हेमन्त ऋतु has no equivalent in English... I doubt if modern science is even aware of a concept called अणुतारतम्य!
These examples do hint that our traditional science was far more advanced but we are forced to accept an inferior one as "standard"... Many do equate ayurveda to quackery, travesty!
Not to encourage any cringeworthy behaviour. But unless, either:
A. we revive our ancient knowledge fully
B. we cease to be "Hindu" completely,
we will perennially have such sanghi behaviour!
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