This is a bullshit ableist take.
No interest in debating or convincing that person. But the fact is that, after the past 12 and a half years, I've seen online activism have some fairly profound impacts on individuals and on a larger scale.
I've also seen a lot of disabled activists who can't do the stuff this person thinks qualifies as the "real" activism do a lot of serious work online. Not always *disability* activists - my work focuses on trans people and trans rights, but I'm definitely a disabled activist.
There's another layer to this called "fundamental attribution error" in that seeing someone do something and assuming this represents who they are rather than the circumstances they may currently be in. Or that tweets are all that a person does because that's all you see.
Also, the fact that I've done online activism doesn't mean that everything I've done online is activism. A lot of it isn't, and that's okay.
This thread isn't activism, for example. It's venting because this is simultaneously the 13th year of my online activism and the 13th year of seeing people say online isn't activism.
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