a thread of seungyoun's words of wisdom and encouraging messages incase you are having a hard time.
“take a look around you. Some people looking for happiness but they never try to find it near them. perhaps it's right next to them”
“if you desire something, your effort has to be as big as your desire”
“lets live like a tree. With heavy and deep roots & branches that lightly stretched from the trees. whtvr i do, under any circumstances, my initial mind will be as straight & firm as d roots, and my thoughts will be as versatile & flexible as the branches” https://twitter.com/seungyouncloud/status/1173537642161426433?s=19
“it's good if you think a lot But don't think too deep. because if you look a the open sea, it's really blue, open and pretty. But if you go deeper it gets darker”
“i recommend you to get some rest. Because if you keep on doing it, it can be very hard on you. Take a lot of rest”
“though im not sure what happened but i hope you can cheer up! fighting!”
“so what if the others are slightly dissapointed in you? so what if you're not doing too well? despite all that, you're giving your all. i'd like you to be less pressured”
“i hope that you are not studying just for a show but studying for it to be of use to yourself from now on” https://twitter.com/uniqcokr/status/1173641463327887360?s=19
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