Everyone is a consumer

Consumer behaviour is one of the most measured and understood data types available globally

Any ad or message containing reference to COVID-19 currently generates more negative that positive responses

This has come down rapidly in the past 3 weeks
2. This is a direct measure of human lethargy and lack of engagement, and will also apply to any other calls to action associated with the virus - daily briefings, press articles, personal anecdotes, social media
3. Given that the government is heavily weighting public opinion and human behavioural data in its decision-making, they will know this. Which makes it puzzling why a softening of the government mantra is taking place now.
4. If anything, the calls to action should be clearer and closely tied to the benefits. e.g.:

- Continue to practice social distancing, so we keep the infection rate (R0) well below 1
- With R0 consistently well below 1, we can accelerate easing restrictions
5. And also, clear messsaging is needed to ensure R0 is consistelntly well below 1:

- We will contact trace any confirmed case. If you're contacted, getting a negative test result will enable you to carry on
- By helping us trace contacts, we can accelerate easing restrictions
6. **Stay Alert > Control The Virus > Save Lives** does not convey any call to action or benefit tied to an action. It is a limp fist pump.
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