I’ve only tried a couple of times on twitter.

Wait that’s my brain downplaying and loathing. I Caught u red handed bitch

What I mean is that I’ve only ever unlocked peak twitter writer flowstate a few times. Threads w emotion+narrative+ideas+gifs, that come out perfect
A couple of times it has felt like the perfect twitter thread exploded out of me.

Must think more about why that is. One of the threads is this.

Lemme think more about this right here 1/x https://twitter.com/seanmombo/status/1233431568573718530
What enabled it?
summarizing a video. Not own ideas

huge motivation spike/ extremely high interest

Hugely relevant content to me. Overwhelming sense of value and accomplishment from writing summary.
I genuinely+powerfully needed to remember the content https://twitter.com/seanmombo/status/1233431568573718530?s=21
Writing this thread was something meaningful to me. Writing this thread felt good. It felt effortless. Enjoyable. Worthwhile.

I think I could spend my energy/thinking more towards making a “good thread” bc I wasn’t making the content myself on the fly.
You can follow @SeanMombo.
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