Should we use the Canada Health Act to reform long-term care?

A thread.

It has become blindingly clear that LTC requires massive change. The balance of evidence supports moving away from private, for-profit care in favour of public and private not-for-profit care. Of course, this isn't a silver bullet & many other reforms are needed.

But, we ignore the profit motive at our peril.

Where I differ from some, is in the use of the Canada Health Act to get us there.


Opponents of public, not-for-profit healthcare never waste an opportunity to chip away at Medicare.

The moment the CHA is opened, there is a clear & present danger that opponents use a sincere attempt at expanding universality, to instead weaken it.

The CHA's 5 principles are lauded for good reason. They not only ensure co-pay free access to MDs & hospitals, but that an Alberta health card will allow you access care in Nova Scotia & vice-versa.

Instead, a new, parallel act that includes the same 5 principles of the CHA should be our way forward.

The CHA 5: Public administration, Comprehensiveness, Universality, Portability, and Accessibility.

This approach protects hospital and physician services under the CHA, while using the CHA's backbone to expand Medicare.

This infact, is what many are advocating for Pharmacare.

Tommy Douglas always spoke of Medicare's two stages.

The first was focused on acute care. That is the stage that the Canada Health Act consolidated.

Medicare's second stage was supposed to focus on community based care.

It shouldn't take a pandemic for us to realize this second stage. Yet, here we are.

Maybe its time for a "Canada Community Health Act."

Pharmacare, long term care, surely also home care & psychology servics.

What else should Medicare's second stage include?

COVID-19 has presented us with unprecedented challenges.

Now is not the time for timid action or half-measures.

Lets be bold. Lets push hard for #BetterMedicare.

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