WWX studies the occult and he was searching for supernatural beings when he found Lan Zhan but he doesn't know he's a vampire. Lan Zhan pretended to be another occult student and they've been hanging out.
WWX loves being in company of LWJ bcs he doesn't think he's a fool and he also seems to know a lot abt supernatural stuff??

LWJ grows very fond of WWX and night hunts with him to protect him from other supernatural beings. WWX is bumped bcs they never find anything.
In reality LWJ has been dealing with them and getting rid of them bcs these are very dangerous things to mess with and he's probably the only vampire who wouldn't kill him. He feels very attracted by his scent and blood but you know him, personified self control.
The romantic and sexual tension builds up and one day they're watching accurate horror movies (LWJ knows they're not accurate at all, but he likes WWX's excitement) and WWX is curled up to him behind the blanket and resting his head in his shoulder and LWJ is conflicted bcs he
likes having him close but he can smell his scent very clearly and he can feel his heartbeat when the movie builds up tension and he's scared of his own self control failing him.

When the movies are done he tries to get up from the sofa but wwx grabs his arm and tries to pull
him down to the sofa again

"Are you gonna leave? It's late"

LWJ can sense his heart beating fast, but the movie is over. He just turns around to see him. WWX is holding tight to his arm and looking up to him. They're closer than he thought.
LWJ doesn't answer. WWX doesn't back off.

"I'm scared to be alone after that movie." Wei Wuxian lies

"Horror movies don't scare you." Lan Wangji points out

Wei Ying gets a little bit closer to accommodate one of LWJ's locks behind his ear.

LWJ holds his breath even if he
doesn't need to breathe. He can sense his blood being pumped quickly through his neck.

"Are you gonna leave?" after pronouncing those words Wei Ying's lips are still separated, almost an invitation.

They're so close they can breathe each other's air.

LWJ really wants to
kiss him. But he shouldn't.

There's a monster in the room, and only he knows he's there. Only he knows how dangerous he is.
He's scared of the monster, but he's also the monster.

WWX is looking at him like he's anything but a monster. He gets closer.

They kiss.
Wei Ying survives throughout that long, intense kiss. LWJ doesn't dare touch him and while his arm is still pinned to the sofa and Wei Ying is clinging onto it, their lips are the only other contact they're having.

Wei Ying also survives throughout the way to the bedroom, while
he makes Lan Zhan follow him by holding his hand.

Wei Ying survives throughout all the kisses they share curled up in bed.

He survives through the attempt of escalating to more than kisses, when he notices LWJ's reluctance.

"Too soon?"

LWJ lies.
WWX stops when he sees him nod.

Wei Ying also survives throughout the moments in which he curls up to him and whispers "Thank you for staying." He survives to every moment his face is buried in his neck, when LWJ can smell his blood and feel his pulse perfectly.
He survives when he tucks them both under a lot of blankets and complains how cold Lan Zhan's skin is.

LWJ, on the other hand, doesn't think he can survive this.
He had been fantasizing about him and pining from afar, the though of WWX never feeling the same as him both relieving and painful.

Now that he had him in his arms, feeling his warmth, his heartbeat, his pulse... he's both in love with all of that and terrified of it.
He shouldn't have kissed him. He shouldn't have stayed. He knew there was a monster in the room. He knew he was dangerous. He should've protected Wei Ying and left when he still had a choice.

Did he think he could have a relationship with him?
Was he really so foolish?
He looked at his relaxed face, unaware that there was a monster in the room, at peace, at ease. It was clear that Wei Ying felt safe, but he wasn't.

All kinds of troubling thoughts were running through Lan Wangji's mind while Wei Ying shifted position while asleep.
He turned around, not really conscious, and made himself comfortable against Lan Wangji's body, becoming a little spoon.

LWJ panicked. He didn't need to move to kiss WWX's neck.

Or bite it.
He tried to restrain and not bother him. He tried to focus on something else entirely. He was well-fed. He wasn't completely full but he didn't need to eat. He didn't need this. He didn't want it. Yeshewantedit.

He stopped breathing to stop smelling his scent, he closed his
eyes to stop seeing his veins, even in pitch dark.

It was useless, all his senses were very aware of him. He could still sense his heartbeat. It was close, too close.
He tried to think on something that wasn't him, get lost in his thought to not get affected by reality.
He tried to remember a symphony note by note.
He was repeating the notes on his head when his mind betrayed him. He saw very clearly an image of Wei Ying's neck. Of his beautiful skin being invaded by his fangs. He opened his eyes. He was terrified by the view.
He was definitely closer to his neck than he was before. He could feel his skin under his fangs. He didn't taste blood, so he hadn't hurt him.

He was too scared of the monster in the room. He had to leave.

He tried to get out of the bed as subtly as possible. He didn't want to wake up Wei Ying but he didn't want to move him and be hit by his scent all over again.

It was useless anyway. He was in his room.
His smell was everywhere.

He walked out without making a sound. He wasn't leaving because he was using him, but that's what it looked like.
He was leaving because he was a monstrosity, and a very cold tear scaping his eyes reminded him of that.
Tears are supposed to be warm. But his weren't.
There was no warmth in him. There was nothing alive that needed a certain temperature to keep living. He felt as cold as ever, leaving him like this.
Maybe knowing that he would never feel his warmth again was what was making his eternal cold so unbearable. He cursed himself for being human enough as to fall in love, but not human enough to be able to love other humans.

Not other humans. Wei Ying.
His hand was already around the doorknob when he heard it
"Lan Zhan?"
He had a confused tone to his voice. He was hurt.

He shed another cold tear, but he didn't twist the knob.
"Why are you leaving? Is something wrong?"

Nothing's wrong with you, he thought.

He wished he didn't feel his every step getting closer to him with a second-thought at the back of his head alerting for prays.

He wished he could feel his embrace from the back as what it was
A way for someone who considered himself as his boyfriend to comfort him.
He wished he was comforted, but he was just afraid that Wei Ying was carelessly hugging vampires.

"Lan Zhan?" He tried to turn him around. He let him.
"Why are you crying?! Was the movie that scary?"

Why wasn't he leaving? Why was he making the same mistake again? Why couldn't he say no when he heard his voice? Wasn't he supposed to be a cold-hearted beast? Wasn't he supposed to be unaffected by humans' desires?
"Lan Zhan, tell me something"

He couldn't bear Wei Ying's worried tone. He was worried by all the wrong reasons. For the wrong person. But he still couldn't resist to him showing him affection, caring for him, trying to comfort him.
He wished he could have this. He wished he didn't have to live in a world of monsters and shadows and could accept this warmth Wei Ying gave away to any poor soul he found.

He wished it so hard, but he knew it wasn't his to have. Wei Ying was starting to get nervous at his lack
of response. His pulse raised.

He couldn't be near his neck, but he also couldn't bear the thought of leaving him and turning that worried look into a heartbroken one.

He slid his back through the wall and sitted on the floor. He was so overwhelmed... he felt more tears
staining his face.

At least now he was away from his neck.

How had he just tried to kill him? How did that happen? He had spent the past few months marking territory around Wei Ying's frequent places, fighting other creatures he got close to, for what?
All that effort to throw it all one night because he was so weak he couldn't restrain himself?

He could've been his murderer. He could've killed him. He was asleep and comfortable around him and he nearly killed him.

For someone who didn't have physiological activity, he was
feeling the anxiety grow up in his chest very clearly.

He felt Wei Ying's weight on his lap. He was hugging him like he was the most precious thing in the world.
He felt his hand delicately placing his head on Wei Ying's chest.

His smell invaded him again.
"I don't know what's wrong, Lan Zhan, but I'm here. Please don't leave, okay? We can figure it out together."
We certainly can't, Lan Zhan thought.

Wei Ying's thigh was directly touching his stomach, sitting sideways on his lap. One of his arms was across his back, pulling him closer and the other was cradling his head into his chest.

Lan Zhan wanted to calm down to his touch and
words, but he couldn't.

He couldn't find ease to his anxiety in the very source of it.

He shouldn't have needed all these signs to know they couldn't be even friends, let alone lovers, but he had let his hope carry him way too far.

Now they were both going to be hurt.
"Lan Zhan, please, tell me what it is."

He wasn't planning to do so, but he raised his gaze to look at those grey eyes.

That's when he saw them widen in surprise? panic?

Why was he panicking?
Wei Ying immediately took two of his fingers to Lan Zhan's neck.

He panicked. If he was going to check for pulse he wasn't going to find any.

Lan Zhan realized too late that being so close to him, so embedded in his warmth and lost in his scent had naturally made his fangs
grow larger, ready to attack. He realized too late, in the middle of all his anxiety, that he had looked at him with his mouth open.

Wei Ying was an expert in the occult, he connected the dots as soon as he saw him.

"You're a vampire"
Lan Zhan raised his hand to snatch Wei Ying's out of his neck, but it was too late.

He took him, not getting to be as gentle as he wanted, and left him in the floor. He got up quickly and went for the door.

"Lan Zhan, wait!"

He was already outisde
He was running after him, but that was a lost cause and they both new. Vampires could be a lot faster than humans.

"Wait! Lan Zhan! I'm not afraid!"

Wei Ying was running down the apartment's stairs as fast as he could, but being barefoot wasn't really helping.

"You should."
Lan Zhan was at least two floors ahead of him and gaining advantage.
He was finally calming down. The thousand smells of the streets, the fresh air of the night were all mixing and even if he could still track Wei Ying easily, at least he wasn't as tempted.

Two stories apart
that was the best distance for both of them.

If LWJ were a bit more expressive, he'd laugh sarcastically at how despite not having a functioning heart it could hurt so much.

"Lan Zhan, could you fucking stop?! Are you really gonna leave like that?! Do you think I care?!"
"You should care."

"Well, I don't!"
Wei Ying was yelling while he was barely raising his voice.

He got to the street level. His plan was to leave, but he knew Wei Ying better than that. He had seen him enter in a forest looking for banshees with all sorts of
frequency readers up to very dangerous hours of the night. He was surprised everyday that he didn't die before he knew him.

He knew he was going to chase after him, and he wasn't going to let him. He was barefoot and probably hadn't taken the keys of his own apartment.
He had to do something that made him entirely gave up on him. And Wei Ying was one of the most stubborn people he had known.

And that was saying something, considering that in his Clan there was an ancient vampire he considered part of his family: Lan Qiren.
He waited for Wei Ying to catch up with him. He was about to cross the threshold when Lan Zhan closed the building's door with a slam.

He took all the trouble to lift one of the doors off the hinges. He was stuck inside, that door wasn't opening until morning when someone
called in to fix it.

"I care." he finally said to him.

Wei Ying hit the door with both his hands, more a frustration sign than a way to open it.

"Why are you going this?!"
"You know why"

"No, I don't! So what if you're a vampire?! We've been hanging out for months! And the last time someone touched my blood was last year when I donated it so I really don't know why you're being so dramatic!"
"It's different now"

"Because I kissed you?"

Because *I* kissed you, he thought.

"Don't be unreasonable."

"You're the one who ran out while I was sleeping and refuses to talk about it! I'm not the one being unreasonable:"
"I can't do this"

"Why not?"

"You're not safe"

"You would never hurt me. I know you."

"Exactly." Lan Zhan conceded. He turned around and started to walk away. Being away was the best way to not hurt him.
"You think if you leave right now and you don't come back you're not gonna hurt me?"

Lan Zhan stopped walking away. He had been hearing his heart beating like crazy against his chest after running down the stairs, but it was more intense now.
He didn't turn around.

He knew he was going to hurt him. He was already hurting himself.

But this wasn't something he was going to negotiate anyway. Even if it was painful, he couldn't risk his life. If Wei Ying wasn't going to act like his own life was more important than
their relationship, he'd do it.

Lan Zhan was aware of a lot of Wei Ying's physiological activity. He could tell his pulse easily, could hear his heart pump, but he couldn't hear his heart break.

And that was exactly what was happening while he looked at his back, caged in his
own building by his own boyfriend who already was fucking extraordinary before he knew he was a supernatural being.

All the impotence and powerlessness he was feeling was really making it difficult to hold back tears.

Was he going to leave?
He saw Lan Wangji take one step after the other... he was walking away.

He smashed the glass of the building door as hard as he could. The door didn't move.

"Lan Zhan! LAN WANGJI!"

He could hear his desperate voice, but he kept walking.

"Just an hour ago you were
kissing me! Does that not mean anything to you?!"

It did. It meant a lot. He wanted to go back and apologize and kiss him again, but he didn't.

Instead he stopped.


He didn't turn around because he knew he couldn't lie to his face. If he had done it, Wei Ying
could notice him hesitate. And he would hesitate if he had seen his face all twisted and full of tears.

Wei Ying had found in him someone who finally took him seriously, someone he'd love to hang out with, someone who had made him feel unique and special.

He had kissed him.
Just an hour ago he was kissing him, and now he was losing him.

And he didn't seem to care enough to face him.

"Forget about this and go to sleep."

It felt like a dream when he stood for hours in front of the door after watching him leave, but he did not sleep.

The landscape was moving too fast to make any sense of it.

He could hear the constant sound of wheels speeding up against rails. The bell ringing for stops.

He wasn't going anywhere.

He wasn't paying attention.

It smelled like smoke and take-away food and sweat.

The key was under the doormat.

The books were all over the floor.

The coffee was cold.

His mind was running a thousand miles per hour.

Finding a solution made no sense if he couldn't find him again.

He would regret not paying attention later. He had too much to regret now.

Underground he didn't feel like time was passing. Time passed too slow when you were immortal.

Not caring about time was a mistake when the sunlight felt like a hangover.
Not caring about time was a mistake when you hadn't eaten in two days.

He had an idea, but he had to test it.

He needed to find him. Of course, he wasn't answering his texts or calls, so he tried the good old way.

He went to the forest.

Not caring about time was a mistake.

Not caring about space was a grave error.

He looked like a hungover guy walking without direction.

He was a weakened vampire walking to the forest to find some shadow and shelter marked territory.
??? POV:

It was his lucky day, wasn't it?

He had no idea what a vampire from the Lan Clan was doing in his territory, but he had every right to play with him.

That stupid Lan Clan and all his rules and morality bullshit,
like eating humans was some kind of civic duty that needed responsible consumption.

This guy in particular got in his nerves a lot.

Everyone knew he was one of the strongest vampires of the Lan Clan, but he was clearly sunbathed and away from home,
so he was about to teach him which Clan was superior.

He didn't remember the last time he had a bone broken.

He didn't remember the last time he was so starved as to not start healing immediately.

He regretted not paying attention to time.

He regretted not paying attention to territory.
Wen Clan wasn't a place he could walk out of easily.

If they had left him in the sun instead of just killing him it was because they were going to weaken him until he became feral and hunted out of Lan Clan's grounds.

After that they could kill him without consequences.
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