I need y'all to understand something.

There are "groups" on Twitch, that do shit like F4F & focus on boosting numbers by having members host/raid one another, etc.

Then there's actual COMMUNITIES which focus on actual community involvement.

Know the difference.
Y'all be joining these communities, especially ones for PoC/black folk specifically, & get upset when the other members don't blindly/shallowly support your content just because y'all are in the same community.
You get upset because you joined looking to gain something from it, but contribute nothing yourself.

And by something, I mean numbers, viewers, attention, money, etc.

That isn't what communities do. Groups? Teams? Sure. But not COMMUNITIES.
You then turn around & trash said communities/people simply because nobody wanted to watch your streams :( or host you :( or raid you :( or help you reach affiliate/partner :(

Another thing I need y'all to understand: black folk don't have to support other black folk blindly. Queer folk don't have to support other queer folk blindly. And so forth.

YOU expect that, when that ain't how shit works.
There could be hella other factors for why folks don't wanna fuck with you or your content (it ain't for them, you're a shitty person who has said shitty things, or they KNOW you're looking for something in return)
... except that would mean you had to self-reflect & take a look at yourself, your content, your behavior, etc. And accountability is too hard for you :(

So you'd rather blame everyone else & blame communities by saying they don't ACTUALLY support xyz group.
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