Every night, my kid goes through a list of people she says goodnight to. (Mickey, Moana, Coco, Daisy, Goofy, Elsa, Mama, Dada, etc.)

Usually, they have something to do with her day. If we watch Sesame Street, she'll tell Elmo, Big Bird, Cookie, Count, Abby, etc. goodnight.
She's had some off the wall ones too. Couple of weeks ago she had potatoes with dinner so she said, "Night night potatoes. Night night broccoli."

It's super cute and I'll find a video of her doing and put it at the end of this thread.
So, fast forward to tonight. Long day. My mom & Cara's mom came over today. We grilled out and hung with them for the day.

Not sure what prompted this, but tonight she said, "Night night Kobe. Night night Messi. Night night Seminole." & then laid her head down and fell asleep.
We didn't watch any highlights from any of those three today. No clue what prompted it. There was an old Real Madrid match on TV and then Saints/Pats from 2017 was on. Kobe's on my phone case and we had her look at that while taking a pic. But, so random... & cool.
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