The prequels are a fascianting subject, because they work so flawlessly and brilliantly in concept and deeper discussion, and its subject matter is a bitter, dark, heartbreaking tragedy, but in overall execution as films, they’re a complete dumpster fire from top to bottom.
It’s utterly BAFFLING that these movies somehow manage to be both of these things simultaneously.
Akanin’s journey is one of constant failure of those around him, both accidental and coerced. This character needed more emotion, more care, more acceptance, and every step of the way he’s denied that.
The prequels follows how the failings of a bloated and egotistical organization like the Jedi are just as much at fault as the blatantly evil Sith for Anakin’s fall and the eventual rise of the Empire.
The war of the Separatists and the Republic is just as much of a front for the audience as it is for Palpatine. It’s all a distraction. It’s a stage. And on that stage, Anakin is being toyed with and corrupted by people he cares about, whether intentionally or otherwise.
All of this should make for a *PERECT* series of films, because on paper, all of this sounds fantastic and deep and profound.

And yet, somehow, none of those movies are that at all. They’re overdramatic, too bloated for their own good, aimless, and impossible to take seriously.
It’s sincerely fascinating to me how this can be the case. How something can be so heartwrenching and brilliant when put into a summary or picked apart, but as an actual, presented product, it’s such a slogging nightmare that it’s difficult to consume.
The prequel's "too much" execution almost feels intentional, to the point where it was purposefully supposed to disguise Anakin's fall underneath the dick measuring contest between the Jedi and the Sith.
The problem is that the films don't know how to be subtle, or when to turn "too much" off when they need to. Even Revenge of the Sith, which is supposed to reveal all that's happened and final show what we knew was coming, is overproduced and too flashy for its own good.
All of the emotional power of what's going on is completely buried, and honestly, that's such an utter shame.
Gonna stop here cuz I'm noticing this thread is already riddled with typos and it's gonna drive me crazy.
I will say this, though: I think this is why the prequels are still talked about today.

Aside from their obvious meme power, we want to like these films. We see what they could have been and wish that's what they were. so we care for them like a wounded pegasus.
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