Here's the problem in a nutshell.
Under Reagan, the rich decided they liked tax breaks and deregulation and decided they wanted more. Soon it became an addiction. Selfishness became a virtue and greed was good because those things led to a nonstop flow of money. /1
Like any other addicts, they couldn't get enough, and they had to crush anything that might slow down or stop the accumulation of endless wealth. Just like a junkie might kill or steal to get their next fix. /2
Pscyhopaths, sociopaths, and narcissists are overrepresented among the wealthy and powerful, and always had been. But before, we had checks and balances in place to keep their greed and exploitive nature in check. /3
Over 4 decades, these unscrupulous people found ways to gain power, eventually reaching the top rungs of government. Using the hot button issues of abortion, guns, and gays by aligning themselves with the religious right, they were able to appeal to lower rungs of society,/4
...mostly the white working class. With Citizens United, there was now an unfettered flow of money to far right political candidates, unfettered by any restrictions. The Tea Party movement started in 2010, and morphed into the Trump cult. They made a Trump presidency reality. /5
Slowly at first, Trump began removing or firing certain key people who stood in his way, and for Trump, "standing in his way" meant anyone who respected the rule of law, decency, and the Constitution. Like a master chess player, he (or Putin) was able to move people around /6
...or fire them. Many left on their own, since ethical people didn't want to work for Trump or carry out his immoral or illegal wishes. Some posts he left unmanned. Eventually, Trump had nothing but sycophants, family members, lackeys, bagmen, and mobsters surrounding him /7
We have a federal government composed almost entirely of psychopathic or sociopathic people, who are totally devoid of empathy, shame, and morals, and glorify violence, abuse, toxic masculinity and crime. Higher values such as empathy are devalued and even .../8
...vilified. The example that comes immediately to mind is good samaritans getting arrested and charged with felonies for leaving food and water in the desert for migrants. I think the kinds of people who support this regime are mostly on the psychopath/sociopath spectrum.../9
...themselves,with some victims of Stockholm Syndrome (a form of PTSD where a victim identifies with their abuser) thrown in. It's not just ignorance. The fact that his approval rating always ticks UP when he does something espcially heinous, racist, or cruel says everything. /10
His supporters, like him, are mostly trolls & bullies, though some have been brainwashed by Fox News & prosperity gospel preachers that he's a savior out to save America. Lack of education or low IQ is a factor, but low empathy/sociopathy is a big part of the attraction.
This November is a literal fight for our lives. I don't see Trump resigning gracefully if he loses, and of course they will do everything in their power to cheat and keep him in power. We need all hands on deck in this election, we cannot afford to sit this one out.
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