Melanin has many roles in the body, it’s not only cutaneous. Theres Neuromelanin, melanin aids im sight, hearing, in cells metabolizing/synthesizing atp, it is tied directly to regulating endocrine system hormones like dopamine/seratonin/epinephrine & circadian rhythms + more
Dopamine, *Neurotransmitter. *Tyrosine to DOPA melanin to Dopamine to Neuromelanin

This the Know Self homework 👁
Serotonin. *Pineal hormones. *Neurotransmitter.
Precursor to *Melatonin.
*Genetics, low Metabolism, *digestive issues impair *absorbtion from *foods
*Poor diet, lack of SUNLIGHT all these factors lead to low levels of serotonin synthesis
Dopamine & Serotonin.
A *few of the results that deficiency in these *neurotransmitters/hormones can cause

OH in *some humans stress doesn’t cause *depression because *melatonin which is a product of *serotonin may be converted back to replenish stores
*Dopamine is produced in the “Substantia nigra” 😂 that’s “black” due to high levels of *neuromelanin. Which protects the neurons from iron-induced oxidization/deterioration

Can’t make this up 😂
Albino recessive & melanin deficient. Which is the 🗝 to ⚖️ go fig that one bud 💀
Unlike Dopamine where majority is primarily produced & found in the brain, same for Neural Serotonin, a neurotransmitter produced in the brain with many roles, the vast majority of it (90%), (*Peripheral Serotonin) is found, produced & stored in the Gut & has plethora of roles
How Melanin relates to Digestion, Cellular Respiration & Metabolism

Ofc we eat & digest to nourish our bodies & provide energy to cells through process of cellular respiration

Melanin simply = higher metabolic rate at the cellular level because process is made more *efficient
Melanogenesis & how melanin is synthesized within the melanocytes. Dopamine precedes it. The SUN is the primary power source of this planet & gives everything life

Benefits are endless. The children of the most high are universal Solar beings, we have Souls & one with the ALL
*Melanocytes-stimulating hormone. All melanin protects cells from UV & DNA damage & neurons from deterioration

Endless benefits. Since it raise cellular metabolism it also ofc aids in *weight loss, when melanated people eating & living naturally, our bodies are top tier machines
Serotonin & Digestion

The Gut is known as our 2nd brain & has more nerves than our spinal cord!
That’s why the gut is so critical to our mood & overall health. A problem with digestion/absorption/serotonin leads to many problems!

“Go with your gut!”

The body isn’t a joke, its a perfect connected machine. If we’re feeding it pork & unclean seafood & liquor & processed foods with hormones & preservatives.. our 2nd brain WILL BE EFFECTED & in turn the whole system

This all why people controlled by spirits, parasites & desires
Which is the wisdom & guidance of Allah to forbid unclean foods & prescribe fasting for us. Surely he knows that which we don’t & knows what is best for us. Alhamdulilah

This thread speaks to the perfection & wisdom of Allahs designs. SubhanAllah

& far from done
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