Ok. Section 44. A thread.

If you are in England, Yes you could invoke your section 44 rights not to go to a unsafe workplace.

Is your workplace safe just now? Probably not.

So it's simple then.

Well not really.

Who is liable for keeping your workplace safe?

Your employer.

Your employer might actually want to keep you safe, e.g. on furlough + planned return but the government is effectively telling them to make themselves liable for prosecution under H&S legislation.

So you have to choose whether to go to work. Or face the sack.

Your employer has to decide whether to let you come to work and how to keep you safe if you do. Or tell you to stay home. Prosecution or potential bankruptcy.

And they and you have been given 12 hours to decide.
Your employer is meant to do a risk assessment.

They are meant to talk to union H&S reps. They are meant to consult employees.

They are meant to follow the government plan to get covid safe certificate.

How? In twelve hours?
The government hasn't even given them the guidance
What about for example, the possible increased risk to BME workers?

What about the increase in stress, anxiety and mental health problems in the workplace?

Your employer also has a duty to manage those risks under H&S legislation.

What about carers? Parents? People shielding?
This will end up being a row between unions and employers, employers and employees.

But make no mistake this is the UK government letting down workers AND employers in England.

#BorisHasFailed this government is not fit to govern.
Oh and btw they have also changed the working time directive so your holidays can be carried over to next year. Great? Well yes, better than losing them altogether but not so great if you wanted some time off between now and your year end for a break and your employer says no
What's next? Watch đź‘€ out for changes to H&S legislation.

Be on guard for even more anti TU + strike busting legislation.

Look for them making it effectively impossible to take your employer to a tribunal
Your section 44 rights only work if you can get to a tribunal and if your employer still exists and if you survive the government attempt to establish herd immunity on the backs of the workers.
If you win it is your employer who pays not this useless government & their advisors
So yes, #joinAUnion, fight, protect yourself and others. Stay safe. Invoke your section 44 rights.
Protect public transport workers by not using pt if you can

But remember who caused this mess.

It is the utterly useless shambolic Boris Johnson, his advisors and his government.
You can follow @josstified.
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