1) A story of overcoming fear through bravely seeking the truth.
2) They tried to tell me cures for cancer didn't exist. So I dug up the congressional records and found out Dr. Gerson testified before congress in 1946, and the panel agreed but made his treatments illegal anyway.
3) During the Coronavirus pandemic, they tried to scare me by taking away my toilet paper. So I mastered how to be clean without it (portable bidet).
4) They tried to tell me I needed to fear other races, genders, religious groups, and my fellow humans. So I looked at how my brethren live and saw that, at our core, we're all one. Now I work to find love and compassion for ALL.
5) They tried to tell me I needed to hate this or that political/ideological group (identity politics). So I recognized that under any political divide are the same universal needs, and this means we're all really one grand human family.
6) They tried to tell me endless distractions (bread and circus), and mindless pleasure-seeking was the way to a happy life. So I tried it, suffered, and now I quest for truth, fellowship, love, and freedom.
7a) They tried to tell me everything was meaningless; there was no grand purpose to anything, that there were no moral laws, and only might was right. When I acted these things out, I suffered greatly and hurt others.
7b) Now I believe the reverse and my life has more meaning than ever before, and I strive to protect and defend the rights of others through love and compassion.
8) They tried to tell me one of the only POTUS' in history that cared about the true American (Human) dream of truth, freedom, and justice for all was a misogynistic, transphobic, racist. So I listened to his words, I thought about his actions, and I realized it was a lie.
9a) They tried to tell me #QAnon was a #PSYOP, that no one in government, the military, or the media cared about the truth. So I researched it myself and discovered they were the true PSYOP.
9b) And now I feel more kinship with my fellow freedom fighters than I ever felt with any state-sponsored social justice facade.
10) They tried to tell me God was a cruel, fickle being who wanted child sacrifice, oppression of women, and mindless dogmatic worship. So I followed the truth with a whole heart and realized that the true Creator of all things is eternally patient, merciful, and all-loving.
11) They tried to tell me you wouldn't care, I was a fool for using my voice, and I would be made fun of for all time for daring to say what I believed. So I spoke my truth anyway and found new friends and comrades in the greatest story of human freedom to touch this world.
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