For @pintofscienceau I am a sr #scientist @lifebloodau which is the blood bank of Australia. I work with smallest #blood cells the #platelets #ThisIsMyScience #OurBody
@pintofscienceau #platelets are important and are like sheep, they stick together to stop #bleeding when they go rogue➡️ : cardiovascular disease #thrombosis or #bleeding #ThisIsMyScience #OurBody
#Platelets are #lifesaving blood products @lifebloodau but can only be stored for 5 days. Their surface is covered with sugars which are important for their function & removal from the body. I study this to improve effectiveness of the product. #ThisIsMyScience #OurBody
@pintofscienceau All donated platelets are different and one might store better than others. I study the effect of painkillers, BMI on platelet quality and aim trying to find the best platelet donor with the best quality product. #ThisIsMyScience #OurBody
@pintofscienceau If you know how #platelets work you can store them longer & better and design new đź’Š for #cardiovascular disease or #bleeding disorders. #ThisIsMyScience #OurBody Pls DM me if questions or looking for internships!
You can follow @DianvanderwalDr.
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