hardest thing i’ve had to face was being discriminated at my catholic school and in my catholic church. me and my family always got treated differently just because we were the only latinos who were in that church and part of that community. of course i never really thought
anything of it because i was so young. that was until i got into middle school and i started seeing how much i got left out of things and so were my parents. my school always had preferences which were the rich white families and i just felt so like excluded out of everything
things would happen to me in school. i was eveb discriminated by my own TEACHERS and when i got home and told my parents about it, they went to my school and explained to them how i felt. of course, none of them listened. all they did was make lame ass excuses up and defended the
teachers. so, i stopped caring. i just stopped letting things get to me and i let it go because i didn’t see the point when no one would listen to me. time came around and i was gonna have a quinceañera when i turned 15. i wanted to have a mass and so i wanted the mass to be
at the church i grew up going to. my parents and i scheduled a meeting with the head priest of the church and so we talked with him and asked him if he’d hold a church for me. and of course, we got pushed away and told no. his reasoning being that he didn’t want to hold a mass
in spanish because he isn’t spanish speaking. we explained to him that we didn’t want the mass in spanish but in english because all of my friends were going and they’re all white. still, he refused to do it. he said that if he did a mass for me, other latinos would go to him and
ask for him to do masses for them. which i found extremely offensive because isn’t the church supposed to be accepting? of everyone no matter what? then he proceeded to tell us to go to a church where they held spanish speaking masses. like are you kidding? lmao
i tried telling him that i wanted the mass in that church and i wanted him to do it because that’s the church i grew up going to. he was the priest i grew up knowing. but i guess none of that mattered. why? because he’s a racist. didn’t matter if he denied that he was. he IS one
after that i really just didn’t feel like continuing going to that church so i don’t. and if i see the priest around he won’t even say hi to me. i didn’t make this thread for people to feel pity for me. i just wanted to share my story and how i was even discriminated against
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