Reminder to my sisters: you never have to read a man's mind to know how he's feeling. If he's not capable of telling you like an adult, he's not capable of a relationship(of any kind).
Inspired by a tweet I read earlier that said something like "if a man isn't affectionate towards you, shower him w/ attention & emotions! Men need love, too!"
NO NO NO. Not on the needing love part, but the rest. Don't hurt yourself emotionally bc he lacks emotional intelligence.
Love is a two-way street. It's not your job to do all the emotional work in a man-woman relationship just bc you're a woman.
Of course sometimes you will give more love than you take, and vice versa. That's not what this thread is about.
Respect yourselves & expect from men.đŸ’Ș❀
In other words: stop sacrificing yourselves on the altar of male emotional unavailability. You're not going to change him or "teach him love" or any other nonsense romantic trope our society brainwashes women with.
Guard your heart and save that for someone who can return it.
You can follow @be_loved_freak.
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