I'm still frequently asked how I learned to code without a bootcamp & got my 1st remote dev job a few years ago.

I'm lucky to have my dream job writing code but it was tough to get here. This is my best advice if you're learning to code in 2020.

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1. Build your roadmap.

You may see dev roadmaps that list 137 technologies you should learn. That's not what I mean. Your roadmap is a plan you create for yourself.

What resources will you use? When/what will you study?

Create a learning plan so you know roughly what to do.
2. Find out what you're curious about.

The fastest way to learn something is to be curious about it.

Discover the area of coding that makes you curious enough to keep pursuing it. You'll enjoy your journey as you follow your curiosity, & the amount you learn will skyrocket.
3. Hold yourself accountable.

When you're in a bootcamp, you're held accountable by teachers, peers, & the money you paid. But when you're learning online, you aren't. Create ways to hold yourself accountable that work for you.

Give yourself no choice but to learn to code.
4. Learn in public.

From blogging & posting in communities, I was able to start getting opportunities and I experienced the positive feedback loop that comes from learning in public.
@swyx has popularized this term and I'll just leave this gem here: https://www.swyx.io/writing/learn-in-public/
5. Build projects you know you can finish.

Starting a big project as a beginner is daunting. The project seems massive and you want to give up before you begin.

Try to build projects you're reasonably confident you can finish. Small wins will help keep you motivated.
6. Build impossible projects.

Building a project that you aren't sure if you can finish can also help you learn like nothing else. If you have a hard project idea you're excited about, you'll learn so much from stretching your skills as you try to build it.
7. Find a community.

So many:
@CodeNewbies @freeCodeCamp @ThePracticalDev

I also created the free
@codebookclub if you're interested in live Zoom calls and doing coding challenges/reading books with devs of different exp levels.
8. Don't take your coding errors personally.

Think of your favorite video game. When you failed a level did you think, ‘Maybe I’m not meant to be a video game player’? No! Fail many times, then master that level.

Don’t take your errors personally. Learn from them, and move on.
9. Keep the streak going.

When I was first learning, I took a break for a week. When I came back, I felt like I was seeing the language again for the first time.

Once I started coding every day (even for 5 min) that momentum kept me going--all the way to the finish line!
You can follow @Madisonkanna.
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