Hey all I'm gonna give you a thread of fast facts about endometriosis. EVEN IF YOU DON'T HAVE IT, please retweet this. 👇
(1) 1 in 10 AFAB people has the condition.
(2) the average wait time for a diagnosis is 8-12 years. Yes, YEARS. I was lucky bc it only took me around five years to get a diagnosis, but that's because my mom has it too and kept pushing until I was able to get help.
(3) The exact cause is unknown. Some suggest it's hereditary, but not 100% of the time. For instance, I have it but my older sister doesn't.
(4) "bad cramps" (we'll discuss that another fact) aren't the only symptoms. Other symptoms include infertility, pain during sex, irritable bowel syndrome, fatigue and more.
(6) endo doesn't just grow in the reproductive system. It can spread to the liver, lungs, diaphragm, there has even been a recorded case of endometriosis in the eyes.
(7) treatments include various types of birth control, pain medications (usually OTC), pelvic floor physical therapy and sometimes chemo-like drugs. THERE IS NO CURE.
(9) the only way to properly diagnose endometriosis is through laporoscopic surgery. Excision surgery can also be a treatment for endometriosis. Some have even gotten reproductive organs removed.
(10) while it's possible to lead a normal life, many, including myself, don't. My plans revolve around my cycle. Oftentimes I have to miss class or cancel plans because my IBS is acting up or the cramps are so intense I'm doubled over in bed.
Two more things:
1. Share this with as many as you can. Let's change the misconception that endo is just a "bad period."
2. That said, if you are having intense to unbearable cramps, THAT'S NOT NORMAL. Please seek help if you're in a position to do so.

Thanks. Pls RT this thread
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