I refuse to choose between #OSR and #PbtA / story games. I refuse to choose between the communities, too.

This doesn't mean I accept the asshats, and I've had my own share of problems with the folks most often cited as OSR toxicity.
When somebody says "this type of gaming is bad because it has horrible people who play it", it just makes me think that they want to draw a nice clean line around their own kind of gaming and pretend it's all nice.

People are complicated, and so are the communities we create.
My last post on this thread: I have yet to see a gaming niche (OSR, storygaming, 5e, whatever) that ISN'T trying to clean itself up. It's messy and imperfect, sure, but everybody is trying, and we should recognize that.

More than this and I'm just gonna write a blog post.
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