#borisspeech #BorisHasFailed #BorisJohnsonCoronavirus

A series of questions raised by tonight:

BORIS: ‘We must stay alert. We must control the virus’ – how do the measures put in place tonight help control the virus? What does this even mean?
BORIS: ‘I have consulted across all four nations’

His cabinet and the leaders of all these nations say he has not. Why is Boris working alone? Why is no-one else involved? Where is the collaboration and unity?
BORIS: ‘Strong resolve to defeat this together’ –

But PM hasn’t consulted anyone else and is doing it on his own.
BORIS: ‘We must protect the NHS’ _

Capacity could have been greater if properly invested in. Also, how does easing restrictions whilst death rate is greatest in world and testing is virtually invisible help protect the NHS?
BORIS: ‘We must resolve issues of ppe’ –

a refusal to stockpile before, a refusal to arrange advance purchase contracts with UK suppliers, a refusal to take up offers of British standard ppe, a telephone call and £4m to a Turkish t-shirt salesman, 4 months in and still no plan
BORIS: ‘We must have a plan for care homes’=

Vallance and Whitty told PM to have this plan in place in January 2020. The PM announced tonight that there is still no plan. Care homes have been a complete disaster and still there is no plan. WHY?
BORIS: ‘If we are going to control this virus we need to have a testing facility’ – Told again in January. We have been constantly lied to on this and still no plan in place. On Friday 50k tests had been sent to USA to be completed because of failures in UK labs. Why r we waiting
BORIS: ‘So that – all told - we are testing literally hundreds of thousands of people every day.’ FACTS from Government website: May 9th: 64,362 8th: 63,339 7th: 67,443 6th: 65,093 5th: 57,006 4th: 69,839 3rd: 62,956 2nd: 56,397 1st: 63,667 30th April: 73,191
Not once have we completed 100,000 in one day EVER, how does that equate to hundreds of thousands a day?

How much can one person lie? Why is this been allowed to happen?

When will this be sorted?
BORIS: ‘We are shining the light of science on this invisible killer, and we will pick it up where it strikes’-

What does this mean?
BORIS: ‘We have the R below 1’ _ how do we know when we do not have any decent testing system in place?
BORIS: ‘We now need to stress that anyone who can’t work from home, for instance those in construction or manufacturing, should be actively encouraged to go to work.’ –

What if you have children? What if your boss cannot guarantee social distancing or ppe for your safety?
BORIS: ‘So you should avoid public transport if at all possible’ – 68% of UK employees depend upon public transport to get to work. How on earth can these people get to work?
BORIS: ‘You must obey the rules on social distancing and to enforce those rules we will increase the fines for the small minority who break them.’ The police have been unable to police the issues to date with the simpler, stay at home. How can this new more vague policy policed?
BORIS: ‘In step two – at the earliest by June 1 – after half term – we believe we may be in a position to begin the phased reopening of shops and to get primary pupils back into schools, in stages, beginning with reception, Year 1 and Year 6.’

How can they if they have children
BORIS: ‘And step three - at the earliest by July - and subject to all these conditions and further scientific advice’-

SAGE had advised against this stage and are extremely annoyed at this announcement; so what does further ‘scientific advice’ mean?
People who are self employed still with no guidance and advice
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