Short thread.

Why do some arseholes spoil things for everyone?

I worked for Samaritans for 5 years and because of this I sent my number to 11 grooming victims, partly because in 1980 I had my own experience I've never spoke about.
Now in case survivors didn't
Want to speak to a man I also sent them my wifes number.
Now 2 of the survivors are part of a troll group but I sent them it anyway because everyone needs an ear sometimes.
Because anonymity is so important I told them all that I answer withheld numbers and I don't need their..
Names nor do they need to talk about their abuse.
I simply offered to be a someone to listen to them
Yesterday between me and my wife we had 42 silent withheld calls so well done.
You spoilt it for the people who do ring me for support and made me block withheld numbers for now
The people who were against me doing this were far left bigots. The reason I support ALL victims is because it doesn't matter to me if they were abused by Muslim gangs or white individuals
However those against me ,when it comes to gang victims, blame the victims not the rapists
I don't care WHO raped them just the fact that people did it
The people against me supporting them seem to think that we're only against Muslim rapists which couldn't be further from the truth
Yes,there's huge differences in how they operate but the damage left behind is the same
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