I remember when I got pregnant I was asked to STOP posting pictures of my pregnant self because I didn’t have anything to proud of. I was told that I would struggle harder than most people & ultimately restricted from major opportunities. Just wanted to hit the TL to encourage +
Any young woman at a cross roads in their pregnancy, or post birth & let you know that despite the naysayers you CAN achieve & you WILL succeed at w.e it is you put your mind to. There arent enough positive reinforcements of this. Will not be easy, but very, very possible💕
Postpartum mental health is important, don’t sweep your feelings under the rug, acknowledge them & speak with your Dr. U have nothing to be ashamed of. This journey isn’t all shits n giggles like in the movies. Be proactive & make yourself a priority amongst your many new ones 💕
Lastly, in hindsight, I’ve overcome so much, achieved so much, grown so much & if I can do it you can too. As cliche as that sounds, trust me it’s true. Happy Mother’s Day to you 💕 (Bars) 🎤
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