It is extremely important that recommendations about physical distancing upon return to creche / school takes account of a child's developmental level.
Young children rely a lot on non-verbal cues. Masks can disguise the facial cues that young children use to read emotion.
I accept that we have to follow public health advice and recommendations, but it is important too that public health professionals listen to those who understand early childhood development best so our children come out of this crisis in good shape.
They have seen schools/creches shuttered. Playgrounds closed. Peer group contact denied. Family interaction restricted. Banned from shops. Referred to as vectors / virus spreaders. Their world is more chaotic than ever.
It would be nice if some commentary focused on the needs of kids above and beyond the economic imperative for their parents to return to work.
Ageing is a continuous developmental process. We do not grow old. We age. If you're lucky, you'll get to grow old too. Dont dismiss the concerns of the young or older people cause you're not in that cohort now. That was your past, and hopefully being older will be your future
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