
I had a dream last week that made an impression on me. It was short, or at least what I remember of it, the ending.

I’m skydiving, turning flips and such in the air. I get a sense though I may be running out of time, and, in a position where my back is towards the ground, I flip over and, sure enough, I’m at the ground.

No opportunity to pull the ‘chute.

I smash into the earth, and there’s a flash of pain. I’m still conscious, though, but I know it’s deeply unlikely that I’ll live. I have a kind of matter-of-fact regret that my life has ended.

Things are kind of static-y. No real form. Like a glitzing computer screen.

And there’s still some consciousness. I begin to wonder that there is life, a continuing awareness, after death.

Soon, though, I start to wonder. Am I in fact dead? Or maybe, is this like some kind of dream?

And as I realize that it is, that I am in fact in a dream, it’s like I travel. I go through layers of some kind of space, or, like underground-feeling layers.

And then I “emerge.” I wake up in my bed.

And I was quietly but deeply happy.

For several days.

Among the associations that come up:

“Turning to face the ground” reminds me of the Zen teacher Dōgen’s “taking the backward step.” It’s a kind of return to the source, to that which gives rise to my sense of “me.” And with that return there’s a kind of death, an ending to a separate sense of “me-ness.”

And then, while there’s a kind of formlessness, it’s not over. Something’s still living. Some presence is still “quick.”

I’m not real conversant with lots of Tibetan teaching, but the travel through layers that then ensues reminds me of “bardo” journeying.

And then I’m reborn. I wake up to another mode of being alive.

And I’m really happy.

That layers-traveling thing reminded me of the images from the Rocky and Bullwinkle show. I looked them up, and see that they’re termed “Rocky and Bullwinkle intermission.” :)

They fall from the sky. They end up underground, and then they travel to a rebirthing.

like flowers :)
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