looooooool this tweet is all over the place https://twitter.com/emmanuelayoola_/status/1259444321553510403
First of all, we have 0 reason to be terrified of God. Secondly, forgiveness is not just for those “in Christ”. God isn’t counting ANYBODY’S sins against them:
"...in Christ God was reconciling THE WORLD to himself, not counting their trespasses against THEM..."
-2 Cor 5:19
Thirdly, we are told in I Cor 3:12-15 that the deeds we do that aren’t founded on Christ (including those with a selfish motivation) are burnt up, but those doing them are STILL SAVED. Why? Because God remembers those sins no more! (Heb 8:12)
Lastly, why do people think God is so quick and willing to punish? Because of this supposed “holiness” that makes Him too holy to look upon sin? That’s a misreading of a verse that’s ACTUALLY saying the opposite (Hab 1:13), but I’ll do another thread on that later 💆🏾‍♂️
Talking about if it wasn’t for forgiveness we’d be done out here. Pls, He has been forgiving sin from the beginning, it didn’t just appear at the cross. Paul says about God’s love that:
"it keeps no record of wrongs."
-1 Cor 13:5
That’s how He responds to sin! He forgives it.
Making God sound like a tyrant is why people don’t want to know Jesus. Tweets like that aren’t displaying God’s kindness which leads to repentance (Rom 2:4), all they do is instil the very fear that perfect love CASTS OUT.
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