So SCAD is trending and I don't know where to START with this and I'm always bad at doing Twitter threads, but I feel like something needs to be said. I'm going to be the one positive college Tweet in the stream of hate.
Yes, the email was a little fishy, but using it to bring up topics such as "don't go to college" in general is damaging for those who may find college is their best way of learning. This topic comes up every once in a while and I feel like it does more harm than good.
Just like there are a few success stories with college but people say it isn't worth it, I would say the same for not doing college at all. Some people are successful this way. And they BLAST that fact like "hey look! I did this! Everyone should do it too!" But not everyone is.
Being in highschool planning to go to SCAD and people were relentless trying to talk me out of it. yes, its expensive. Yes, I can teach myself online. But I was fortunate enough to know how I learn and that if I were to just try to teach myself from home I would've gone NOWHERE.
They were relentless about it until I went and they realized *I was learning*. I was taking part in projects outside my major, I was doing my work, I was making connections. I got an internship through opportunities only SCAD would provide.
That is me. When it comes to college, ESPECIALLY SCAD, every experience has minor differences that could result in a successful or unsuccessful experience. Major, Dorm choices, Mental health, Way you learn. Maybe college ISN'T meant for you. But that is up to YOU to find out.
If you research reviews on SCAD most of them will tell you that it is up to YOU to make your experience amazing. Yes, it sucks that you pay SCAD so much and they don't do everything for you but things like making connections
, going to the classes you paid for, taking advantage of the resources you pay for, is all up to YOU.
If you go to SCAD, you have to be SURE that is what you want. I didn't know what EXACTLY I wanted to do, but I knew I wanted to do art for my career, and more specifically digital art. And I figured it out from there.
Yes. Degrees are important in order to get jobs. It doesn't have to be through an expensive school like SCAD. but get a degree. Don't let the negativity that's trending right now atleast talk you our of college in general.
Just to clarify, My statement is NOT that SCAD is this AMAZING SCHOOL and everyone is wrong. Its that college is talked down a lot and I feel it is just as damaging as it is helpful depending on the person.
I don't know. I hope this helps any confused students that are scared/confused by the conversations happening in trending. I am here for any questions people may have.
Just know, its easy for the people to say they're glad they didn't go to college/SCAD when they didn't have the experience and they're seeing a few negative comments on this cynical site.
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