Not gonna do this all day today. So this will be short. I don’t care if he was trespassing, breaking windows, stealing material. I don’t care if he was disturbing the peace or if he was armed. Hear me good.
Perfection is not a standard Black ppl must meet to avoid violence.
This isn’t hard.
Black people don’t have to justify their existence or their behavior to white neighbors. All white people are not police officers. I do not have to stop to explain myself to a random stranger just because you think I should.
If you chase me in a vehicle, jump out & point a gun at me- you dont get to declare that I was the aggressor no matter what I do- kick, spit, punch, reach for the gun. You are still the aggressor.
It is absolutely maddening that no matter what “evidence” is produced against #AhmaudArbery the response isnt, “so what?” He was still hunted and killed extrajudicially. Every random white person doesn’t get to be police, prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner over Black lives.
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