Generally very good & comprehensive thread. But let me briefly comment on 2 incidents discussed in this thread. Not pouring cold water. First, this:

While the excitement for अर्जुन here is understandable, one ought to be very careful when comparing a mere जीवात्मा with भगवान्
It’s not “only full might blow”, suggesting that there was some struggle on part of महादेव. The relevant श्लोक is as follows:
तत एनं महादेवः पीड्य गात्रैः सुपीडितम्। तेजसा व्क्रमद्रोषाच्चेतस्तस्य विमोहयन् ॥ 3-39-61

“Then, महादेव having pressed with His body the already pressed/injured one (अर्जुन), by His तेजस् He bewildered his (अर्जुन’s) consciousness.”
The original text goes further:

ततोऽभिपीडितैर्गात्रैः पिण्डीकृत इवाबभौ।
फल्गुनो गात्रसंरुद्धो देवदेवेन भारत ॥ 3-39-62

Here, अर्जुन is described as having become a lump of his mangled body/flesh.
निरुच्छ्वासोऽभवच्चैव सन्निरुद्धो महामनाः।
अर्जुन became breathless & was as if he was dead, with his body becoming restrained (no force or movement).
Also, the inexhaustible quiver becoming exhausted is not a testimony to अर्जुन’s greatness. That quiver was given to him by अग्नि to be inexhaustible.
क्षणेन क्षीणबाणोऽथ संवृत्तः फल्गुनस्तदा।
वित्रासं च जगामाथ तं दृष्ट्वा शरसंक्षयम् ॥ 3-39-45

अर्जुन was terrified (वित्रासं) having seen his quiver being empty because it was not supposed to go empty!
चिन्तयामास जिष्णुस्तु भगवन्तं हुताशनम्।
पुरस्तादक्षयौ दत्तौ तूणौ येनास्य खाण्डवे॥3-39-46

He thinks of अग्नि (हुताशन) who blessed him with an inexhaustible quiver for his indispensable assistance with खाण्डव-दहन.
किं नु मोक्ष्यामि धनुषा यन्मे बाणाः क्षयं गताः।
अयं च पुरुषः कोपि बाणान्ग्रसति सर्वशः ॥ 3-39-47

अर्जुन actually wonders as to who is this person swallowing all his arrows (कोपि बाणान्ग्रसति सर्वशः).++
Thus, his quiver going empty is not some amazing display of power by अर्जुन but a testimony to the glory of महादेव.
My main intention was to point out that one should be careful with words when comparing one’s favorite पाण्डव with श्री-महादेव. Since I’m satisfied doing that, I will not take up the 2nd incident, which is rather trivial. //End
When one reads this incident, the thought should be less about the display of prowess by अर्जुन & more about the glory of भगवान् who utterly & wonderfully humbles him. हर हर शिव शिव!
To re-emphasize, the “full might” of Ganguli’s translation is not found in either BORI or the kumbhakoNa edition. It seems to be a flourish on Ganguli’s part as a translator.
Small slip: should be *व्याक्रमद्रोषाच्चेतस्तस्य
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