In alternate America: Hillary got the first report about coronavirus and immediately summoned all the top epedimiology & other experts to a Blue Ribbon panel tasking them with coming up with a containment plan immediately. She would call Xi, offer assistance in EXCHANGE for full
unfettered access to an international team to ensure accurate info about what was going on. She would then call all the global leaders and propose an emergency treaty of international cooperation on COVID response. All data would be transparent, shared & discussed. She would
use her presidential powers to turn Big Pharma onto the hunt for a vaccine, giving them full access to NIH & CDC assistance.

On the domestic front, she would summon all governors on a conference line and set out equipment & personnel needs. Those needs would be met
immediately, without red tape or lies. Priority would go to the states with the most cases, NOT with the most political support for her party. She would ask the governors to work collaboratively in geographic clusters to ensure clear, consistent and rational policy on shutdowns
On the legislative side, she would summon Nancy and Mitch and say: You legislate, BUT I set the priorities. You will send me a bill that subsidizes every payroll in America and pays all health insurance costs. We will provide assistance to corporations that need it, but
they will have to prove the assistance went to cover payroll and clearly established losses. We will insist that the companies pay back the money when they return to solvency + a determined level of profit & financial reserve.

Individuals not on a payroll will be given
financial, food and other assistance as needed. There WILL be a simple system for them to seeks assistance. All claims will be processed in 5 days or less.

Because wages continued, there would be no mortgage, rent, utilities & other bills that needed to be skipped, so the real
estate enterprise would be unaffected & debt accumulation would NOT be a problem.

President Hillary would give a nightly address to TRUTHFULLY update the people on what was going on, and every night she would read the names of the lost and sick and ask us all to send them
prayers and well wishes.

She, herself, would model safe behavior and demand that everyone around her do the same.

Having fully contained COVID by the end of February, she would declare today, May 10th as a national holiday where we could all come back out into public
because of the huge, well structured testing & tracking program she implemented in November of 2019.
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