THREAD — "He's just a homie"
season 1 episode 1🤡:
so i get together with some hun. everything is cool cause hun is doing all the right stuff. i started feeling this hun and i asked her why she's single. she tells me "guys just want to hurt me" "all niggahs do is break my heart", this hun was mad insecure but i was all for it
so i had a bit if a reputation. hun did some digging and saw that i ran through most of the people that she knew. now hun tells me about how i can't be trusted,how I'm just another niggah that wants to hit it and dip. she made me feel so bad because of the things I'd done in the—
past. i assure her that i wasn't going to do anything to hurt her. she's still mad hesitant but we end up being together. we weren't dating but you know how situationships be. i fucked with the hun but i didn't want to get too invested cause i didn't want my heart broken.
she blows up my gallery and dude,i already knew this hun was fye but not like this 😭😭. i'm scrolling through the photos and i see her holding some gent. now these people are tight tight and since I'm curious i ask her who this dude is. she says "nah,he's just a homie"
now dude,i had mad trust issues. usually i wouldn't believe her but this hun had gone through too much bullshit and i thought that after what she'd gone through,she wouldn't think of doing it to no one else. so i skip the red flag and we carry on speaking
weeks later we're still cool,everything is moving properly. we had no problems and she was overall the perfect hun. now we're talking on some cute shit and i check her story. she posts a mirror picture of her and some other dude in a bathroom and even you know wassup
i stare at the picture for more than a minute and try to figure out who it is because she cropped his face out. i wanted to confront her about it but i didn't. i mean,would she really fuck with someone else while we're talking? nah. so i leave it carry on like nothing happened—
even though i was lowkey hurt. months go by and this hun and i are deep deep. i know everything there is to know about her and she knows everything about me. i cut off everyone else that i was fucking with [yeah,i was hoeing] and i plan how I'm going to ask her out
now i'm at norkem mall with the fam and we're about to get shit to eat for dinner. they go for Roman's and i go for Steers because nothing slaps harder. I'm outside waiting for my order. after a while my phone starts ringing and you won't guess who was calling my phone—
50 retweets and episode 2 comes out 🖤
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