The latest installment of a view from the shop floor.

As I've expressed before I work in food manufacturing in regional Victoria. During the pandemic we have continued working with modified systems to manage COViD-19 risk. Most workers here very happy to be working.
As there is $ to be made during the pandemic especially in food, our multinational employer has fallen over themselves to consult to ensure we don't have our usual industrial battle; when they can make a profit. (A big difference to the behaviour suffered by Delos pre pandemic)
Now to the meat of the thread...

As a Victorian shop the overwhelming majority of workers are impressed and thankful for Premier @DanielAndrewsMP and the @VictorianLabor team. Most have commented on the leadership shown in our state.
Although a fair few can't wait for the footy
The constant attacks from the Vic libs don't seem to be sticking. In fact almost all can't tell you the opposition leaders name.

The attacks on the teachers aren't having an impact either. Most are just happy their kids are safe.
And the constant talk of sacrificing the old for the economy is hated. Most people understand this is code for dying for billionaires.
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