Mom’s story thread:
My mom was 14 when she got married, 16 with her first kid and at 20 she had 3 of us. She gave up the best years of her life for us. I never doubted her not once. I’ll never downplay teen moms the way the American culture does. She worked 2 jobs, we got a crib
She stopped going to school after the 8th grade, I graduated with a masters degree this year. She took the bus everywhere, my brother drives an X5. She would go to jersey with my dad as a getaway, I’ve been to about 10 or so countries/islands as my getaways.
She sacrificed leaving her family to start her own. She sacrificed her teen years and her 20s for us. She lives through me and loves the way she raised me. She’s so dope I’m telling ya
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