Tonight I'm celebrating my two year anniversary of being a partner on Twitch by giving back to the community on the front page.

That's a big honor but I wanted to share a few things I've learned that's applicable to anyone starting something new, streaming or not.

A thread
1. Size isn't Everything - After 2 years I'm not a "big" streamer, especially when compared to my friends with hundreds of viewers. But I've developed a strong community full of people who support me and each other.

Remember, a small group of determined people can do big things.
2. Figuring out your identity isn't easy - When you're starting something new, be it a business or a creative endeavor, you have to stand out from everyone else. But figuring that out is super difficult. The biggest challenge you'll face is figuring out who you really are.
3. Iteration is key - I still don't know what I'm doing. But I'm on the front page tonight. I'm the COO of a very cool charity. Recently started a YouTube. Why do good things happen? Because I'm trying stuff.

Do things. Try ideas. Some will fail. But some will work. Keep Trying.
4. Don't network. Make friends. - People are FAR better at figuring out intentions than you might think. Liking something on Twitter isn't friendship. Genuine support is.

Treat people nicely and don't use them for stuff. Support your friends as best you can no strings attached.
5. Conversely, No one succeeds alone. - It's okay to ask for help. There is no shame in needing a RT. People like to collaborate. Most people are very kind when you ask them for help because most people respect hard work.

All ships rise with the rising tide.
6. Having fun is underrated - Yes. Work is work. But if you're not having fun, people can tell. So unless you're starting a new corporation where feelings don't matter, in a creative endeavor, you have to be having fun.

Honestly why else are you doing what you're doing?
You can follow @stevenspohn.
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