ADHD has honestly had such a massive impact on my life, and it usually elevates anxiety and depression. You have trouble focusing, managing time, forgetfulness, and impatience which can cause problems at work, home, and in all types of relationships. You’re beyond self-critical
and view yourself in poor light, live in state of guilt most of the times as you feel like you’re a let down, a burden, and that you can always do more, you develop unhealthy coping mechanisms along the way. You want to do well and want to work, but you just feel incapable of
doing anything which is depressing. You cant focus a lot of times whether in class or work, so you rely on yourself for everthing. You try as much as you can not to place the blame for your failures on it, but you eventually reach that stage. You also get to a stage where you
develop a mental addiction on the medication, as you feel you can’t do shit without it. you're always behind on things, and at a constant battle with your self not start hating yourself for it as it ends making you fall even more behind. It is easier if youre doing something
youre passionate, which is hard as who the fuck is supposed to know what they really are passionate about when they are 17-18 year old. You might get depressed later on when you figure out you’re not passionate about what you’re doing as you can’t hyperfocus (one of the few
benefits of having ADD). You try you’re best to put in place systems which might help, but if you end up struggling so you get anxious and depressed. If u think taking medication fixes the problem then you’re mistaken. It really relies on that, doing therapy, and developing
healthy strategies and system to deal with it. However, there is difficulty in that as well, as you’re unmotivated a lot of the times, anxious, depressed, and fearing to fail as it is common which puts you in that usual self-hate state. it is like having a self-destruction button
I could keep adding to this thread, but I think people get the point.
A few things I could recommend for people that have it.
- Watch this video:
- Use promodoro technique by downloading apps like be focused:
if anyone needs any other advice, would be happy to help over DM and recommend some other things.
I also really recommend reading more about it so you understand, whether that being online research or a book.
You can follow @OsamaRahhal9.
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