So, to fellow people who do have the privilege to be able to continue to work from home, FUCK YOU if you take this as an opportunity to go out more, because the people in customer service and similar professions are going to be FORCED to risk their lives to serve you.
And if you have that privilege and you're NOT taking every last opportunity to raise hell for the people who are being dragged through SHIT right now, if you'll do the fucking conga down the street but stay silent on this, also FUCK YOU.
I was going to make the argument that it would take very little for you and I to be in the position where we're no longer 'professional' who can work from home, god knows I spent enough years not being one to know how lucky I am, but you should fucking care ANYWAY.
It shouldn't be a case of caring only when this might effect you, you fucking selfish pricks. You should care because it's WRONG, whether it touches you directly or NOT.

And find your local community help for people who are shielding.

And donate to people who are asking for help to survive.

And it probably won't make much difference, but write to your MP, who knows?

Stay inside. Don't fuck around. Be loud. Have some fucking solidarity.
DISCLAIMER: this does not apply to people who are being forced to stay home and shield, and have no choice but to order deliveries and things.

Which is exactly why the people who CAN go whole hog on this without harming themselves SHOULD.
So many people are going to die, and I know how many of them are likely to be people I know, mutuals on here, activists I don't personally know but admire.

This is just a continuation of a nightmare. I'm so angry.
I'm so sorry for not trigger warning the start of this thread, that's my bad. Havw retweeted someone's quote retweet where they added it.
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