Isnt it ironic? The ones who didnt know the most about how kcharts works are the ones yapping the most about ON performance on kcharts. As someone who monitor the charts I wanted to say that ON has low chance of getting SOTYs. There I said it. You can disagree, it's up to you
But there are quite few songs which are doing better than ON. ON was released at the height of pandemic in south korea. And It wasnt as public friendly as BWL. Not all BTS songs gonna do as well as BWL ans you all have just to accept it.
The same thing with daesangs sweep. It happened only for the first time (and multiple time last year, 3x) in history for a reason.
Not every year BTS wipl have a National Hit as big as BWL. On is still a hit. It underperformed compared to BWL bcos of multiple reasons (the timing is bad, we all didnt see a pandemic coming. No one did). And the song is not public friendly at all.
It's an anthem that was meant to be performed on big stages like during their stadium tour. And since they cant tour they cant even promote the song much. BTS hype track like Fire, Not Today, IDOL and ON are meant to be performed on big events and during tour.
The fact that ON is doing this well on kcharts (Gonna be at least 11 weeks on Top10 on Melon weekly chart by tomorrow update). We already have to thank karmys and some kgp who are hardcarrying it on the chart.
Streaming services were being hit hard w this pandemic. Their market share decrease a lot more than usual.
The good thing is, ON will win Gaon Monthly SOTY for Feb 2020. This will be their first Gaon SOTY award (unless Gaon doing some shady shit and change their criteria the last minute) ON is almost a sure winner for this one.
And curb your expectation of ON getting any SOTYs award except for this Gaon Award. Or you all gonna be dissappointed.
What I want to say is, dont expect for a daesangs sweep every year. It's such a high expectations on yourself and on BTS themselves.
Sure we can work towards it, but for SOTYs, it's always unpredictable. You cant be sure what kind of songs gonna go viral every year so everyone have a chance to go for it. SOTYs will always be the variables in getting a daesang sweep. So please curb your expectation.
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