Uh...Glenn? You *do* realize it's been *conclusively* established that the Kremlin had leverage over Trump on the basis of knowledge of his nonpublic business dealings with the Kremlin mid-campaign, which he was lying to American voters about daily, right? You do know that—right? https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1259514465059553286
PS/ What Glenn is doing here is a classic bait-and-switch no junior high school kid would fall for. He knows the evidence of the Kremlin having leverage over Trump is substantial, so he switches the verb to "controlled" in order to make what he *knows* happened sound ridiculous.
PS2/ The key predicate in a counterintelligence investigation is "compromise"—not control. Those are two very different concepts. Just so, the standard for a bribery case is corrupt intent to receive value for an official act, not control. Either Glenn is a moron or ill-informed.
PS3/ Moreover, I'm the only person in America to have written a whole book chapter about the *mountain* of domestic and international evidence of the Kremlin holding kompromat on Trump, and *nowhere* in my writing do I say the evidence is conclusive rather than simply persuasive.
PS4/ Glenn Greenwald lives in a veritable jungle of straw men, paper tigers, red herrings, bogeymen, bugbears, various Rube Goldberg devices, and other means by which he can deny the simple reality that he was wrong about Trump and Russia from Day 1 one and continues to be wrong.
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