Ok Twitterati, I'm sure some of you have heard BJ on the 3 stages to exit the lockdown. I stand by my assertion that this is too soon. But what do you think?

"Boris Johnson provides an update on the next stage of lockdown measures" #COVID19 https://twitter.com/i/events/1239876088337059840
And every tweet I'm reading immediately after this speech screams of how incoherent the message was, and how obvious barely underlying the economy over lives was as well. This isnt leadership. This is misdirection and manipulation.
I've worked out how I can get from eastbourne to and across London to go to work.
Thank you George Jetson!
Had a bit of time to calm down from BJs rubbish, time to get a bit more tactical/rational. Personally/professionally nothing changes. I work from home/ online. 1/2
I'm aware I have a certain privilege in that I'm able to continue to do so whilst many others are forced into an economic shape they don't wish for by people who will profit from their suffering.
I owe them.
This is an excellent thread on how the R rating works. https://twitter.com/drphiliplee1/status/1259587681828384773?s=19
You can follow @Dturner300.
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