A year ago today I graduated college.

I am first generation in America and one of the first to ever graduate college in my family.

[A thread]
I wasn't conditioned to believe I was smart, capable or even interesting. College seemed like it was for smart folks who had their life together or atleast for people who had rich parents and I didn't want to put financial strain on mine.
There was no expectations to attend school anyway.

So after highschool, I doubled down on performance, and got a commercial agent, and saved up enough money through acting to move me to Chicago.
Then something changed. In the middle of 3 comedy programs, 3 sketch/improv troupes and countless other shows I was given the opportunity to take a part-time job that later transformed into an HR career.
Along with that, a mentor who believed in me. She pushed me to finish my degree and so against what I felt I deserved or was capable of, I enrolled. I pushed myself beyond my comfort zone and into investing in myself.
Working a full 40 hours a week, I graduated summa cum laude with hella honor cords around my neck as I cried walking down the aisle.

Then I went to eat Greek food with family

Not knowing that in a year, my whole life would change again and I would have a dream job.
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