When I was a kid, I used to spend hours browsing video store shelves. Here are some VHS covers that left a lasting impression on me. I’ll start with Evil Dead 2, one of the greatest horror films of all time:
Next up, Carnosaur. I was so excited when my mom finally let me rent this one. It’s hilarious.
More low budget dinosaur love
Finally saw this one for the first time a couple years ago. Pretty fun.
Never saw it
Next up is The Howling. Classic werewolf flick with awesome effects.
And then there’s A Nightmare on Elm Street, another one of the all time greats! Wes Craven’s masterpiece.
I still haven’t seen all of this film, but the cover stopped me every time I walked by it. I think for some reason I assumed it would be too adult for me at the time, so I never tried to talk my parents into renting it for me.
I’ve seen Pumpkinhead several times, but never got around to seeing the sequel. Cover always stuck out though.
This cover always filled me with Halloween season nostalgia even as a kid. Didn’t actually see it until several years ago.
Love the box art, love the movie
Still haven’t seen this one (and probably should) but the cover digs deep into the 80s/90s nostalgia part of my brain.
This cover made me so badly want a movie that took place mostly in a subterranean hellscape and was chock full of demons. I don’t think that’s what this was.
This cover always stabbed right to the heart of my love for Halloween, even if the movie itself kind of didn’t. I think I had played the movie I wanted it to be in my head for too many years before seeing the real thing.
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