Women don't believe in equality, just the idea of being inferior or second place to men offends their ego.

They are more than happy to be unequal when it makes life easier for them, or somehow benefits them. It's only when it doesn't they all of a sudden have a problem with it.
They are massive hypocrites.

They talk about equal pay - yet they almost always want a man that makes more than them, and expect men to pay for everything.

They talk about equal rights, yet they blame men for all their problems, rarely themselves.
They love inequality. As long as it is the right kind of inequality. Any kind of inequality that helps them get ahead.

What does this tells us? Women are practical and opportunistic. It's not a matter of principle for them, because they do not uphold egalitarian standards.
They expect more of men than they do themselves, which implies they actually see themselves as inferior to men, because they hold themselves to a lower standard.
You see, you cannot egotistically state two parties are equals, yet not hold yourself to the same standards of behaviour.

The more responsibility you assign a party, the more you imply their competence. Those who are more competent are not equal to those who are less competent.
So you see, women don't really believe in equality.

They simply wield the idea of it to limit constraints on their behaviour and sexuality.

Wherever danger, dilemmas or money are involved, they expect men to step up and be better than them. Always.
"Men and women are equal" = one of the most ridiculous, delusional, and egotistical statements you will ever hear in your life.

The reality around us is quite literally telling us the opposite. Women's behaviours and expectations quite literally tell us the opposite.
This is why it is absurd to assign men greater responsibility without the authority to go with it.

Men cannot tell women what to do, because men & women are equal.

Yet we all expect more of men anyway, despite this so-called equality.

What kind of half-baked bullshit is that?
It's for this reason a lot of men simply will not "step up" anymore.

You're held to higher standards of morality, performance and general behaviour - but you're not in charge. You do not get respect. Your word is not heeded as law. This effectively makes you a servant.
And it's not even the good sort of servant, as to say, I will do my best for you, and you will do your best for me, and in turn we will serve one another wholeheartedly.

No, it's the "you get scapegoated for all my mistakes, but you're not in charge of me!" kind of servitude.
Which if you think about it, is a sublime act of cognitive dissonance in and of itself.

If I am not in charge of you, but everything that goes wrong with your life is my fault, how can your problems be my fault? If you are in charge of yourself, your problems are your fault.
So what really is equality according to modern women, based on their behaviours and expectations?

It is ultimately to hold men responsible whilst denying their authority.

A paradox which betrays the natural laws of hierarchy, where the most mature and competent rise to the top.
Does being held ultimately responsible, whilst being denied authority over those under your charge sound like equality to you?

No. It is an inversion of nature, and a most egregious and peverse inequality, for it robs man of his natural status whilst maintaining his duties.
And to rob man of his natural status whilst maintaining the duties commensurate with such a status is to effectively make him a second class citizen.

It is disingenuous, unjust, and morally indefensible - not to mention dysfunctional, and relationally unsustainable.
A red herring that oft comes up when discussing these matters is the idea that not believing in gender equality means you hate women

And to that I say, as I always say - I don't believe children are equal in station and competence to adults, but that doesn't mean I hate children
Hierarchy is normal, natural and healthy. It keeps things sane and ordered.

What isn't normal, natural or healthy is viewing all forms of hierarchy as structurally oppressive, and seeking to dismantle said hierarchies in the pursuit of a foolish and idealised notion of fairness.
I have often joked in the past that I wonder when children will get equal rights to adults, given the right to vote, the ability to give legal consent/sign contracts, and own property etc.

Seems inroads are being made on this civil rights matter with the whole "MAP" phenomenon.
This may sound ridiculous to you, but the point I am making should be clear: hierarchy is not evil, it is necessary. Protecting your dependants requires hierarchy & ergo, authority.

In fact I contend the absence of hierarchy is dangerous and that much "equality" is a perversion.
Even if you don't agree with everything I've said here (and that's fine) I hope it has given you pause for thought!

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