I should really organize some Art Thoughts™️ into a proper thread at some point, but one thing that was an ah-hah moment for me was to actually start making the stuff that I wanted to read and focus on what *I* loved about stories in my own work.
I was paralyzed for the better part of a decade when I tried to make comics because I was overwhelmed with trying to figure out what other people wanted. As soon as I stopped and went “What would I wanna read? What are the stories I crave to see?” something clicked
The thing is, you can TELL when a creator is making something they are truly passionate about. And even if you don’t care as much about said subject matter, that passion is infectious! I love feeling that joy, both as a creator and as a reader
When I connected with @SamMaggs about Anne Bonny and Mary Read, it was because we both were dying to see their story represented in media. When I pitched Real Hero Shit, it was from my desire to see a messy, complicated medieval fantasy story with characters I related to
Make the shit you wanna read! No matter how specific and niche you think it might be! People will find it and it will resonate and matter to them
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