My mom is a sweet but take no 💩 woman.

I don’t call her to be coddled, I call her to hear the truth.

She thoroughly enjoys her sense of humor... and if you don’t, well that’s just fine by her.

I may have learned a thing or two from my mama... and I ain’t mad. 😜 #MothersDay
*also want to add that my father is the COMPLETE opposite.

Takes all my 💩, tells me what I want to hear, and thinks I’m hilarious.

They also just celebrated 47 years of marriage. So - ya know - balance. 😬
Imma add one more tweet to this thread cause 1. I can and 2. it’s Mother’s Day and 3. It’s my account.

I have a FANTASTIC mother-in-law. I mean TOPS 🙌🏼

If you ever wanted to know what kind of woman raises an #Olympian... look no further than Barb Gary 💗

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