reverse racism: a thread ✨
tl;dr white people can experience discrimination and prejudice but not racism (they’re not the same thing and i’ll explain it for u)
so lemme start w the fact that reverse racism was started by conservatives to say that black people are now gaining more compared to their white counterparts but the thing is, there is zero systematic discrimination against white purple (irish being the exception becuase i know
someone will bring that up) but there has and continues to be systematic discrimination against poc, black specifically. poc lack the POWER to damage white people who are and probably will always be the majority. racism as we know it is not just based on superiority but now also
on the power and authority given to the race, white people are consistently in positions of power where they can implement what ever policies they wish that will have a detrimental effect on minority communities.. so in short white people can not experience racism as racism is
still here due to institutional reinforcement... i find it so incredibly weird how obsessed people are w reverse racism as if they want it to happen: do you want to be called a nigger on your way home from college, do you want to be a denied a job just becuase if your name
do you want to be told “you’re really well spoken”, do you want to be disadvantaged due to the racist housing policies? like it’s absurd to me
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