In the spirit of my Totally Analog Pineapple syrup, let’s make Fassionola! It's a Tiki staple in recipes like the Hurricane. There are both red and gold varieties. The red focuses on berry and has been described as similar to Kool-Aid syrup.
There’s no set recipe, but strawberry, pineapple and passionfruit are generally “must have”. For my batch, I used about 1/3 pineapple, 1/3 strawberry, and 1/3 raspberries, blueberries, and mango. (No passionfruit yet!)
Assemble your fresh fruit & berries (except passion fruit) and chop it finely. About 2 pounds of fruit yields around a quart. Weigh your fruit on a kitchen scale.
Grab a BIG bowl, add the fruit. Now add an equal amount of sugar. We’ll be letting sugar’s hydrophilic nature draw out all the juices. No heating, no juicers. This is analog, after all! Mix the fruit and sugar well. Cover and let sit.
Four hours and twenty-four hours in. Look at that extraction! Midway through I peeled two lemons and threw them into the mix. Why not? Think Oleo Saccharum. Stir occasionally to keep the sugar from collecting on the bottom.
After a day or so, mash up the fruit, then strain it out, leaving the liquid behind. I use a series of successively fine metal strainers. Measure how much syrup you have, then place in a storage vessel such as a sterilized mason jar.
Now, you’ll need passion fruit purée, NOT syrup. The purée is quite tart. Add about ¼ as much purée as syrup, e.g. 8 oz of purée for 32 oz syrup.

Stir. Refrigerate. If desired, add high proof alcohol to inhibit spoilage. Enjoy!
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