I’m always confused when goldbugs agree on almost every part of Bitcoin’s design and purpose, but at the very end they say “but I just can’t touch it” and
the conversation ends.

Being able to touch your money is one of its worst draw backs! Let’s explore monetary properties
1) transferability - when something is physical, it can only be transferred to someone who is next to you OR with significant delays and a trusted third party (I.e. fedex).

Bitcoin however can teleport to your counterparty, without a delivery service, anywhere in the world.
2) portability - physical items have real world weight and size. This means they can be seized at checkpoints or during a search by an enemy.

Because bitcoin is digital, it can be stored anywhere,in multiple locations, and in your mind. Another point for bitcoin!
3) Divisibility - For an exact exchange, physical items must be divided. This is difficult with scarce physical goods like gold and thus other intermediary’s and accounting tricks must be introduced like a bank.

Bitcoin is infinitely divisible because it’s digital.
4) Scarcity - all physical object are made of elements found in nature. Throughout the universe these elements are effectively limitless.

Bitcoin’s digital nature and verifiable functions have created the first truly scarce good that has ever existed.
5) verifiability - physical items, because they are made natural elements, can be counterfeited and proving authenticity often requires slow and rigorous inspection.

Bitcoin is based on unforgeable nearly instantly verifiable cryptography.
Bitcoin has changed the game with monetary theory. Don’t get left behind!

Cc @clmarohn @QTRResearch @roysebag
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